Copyright © 1996-2001, Paul H. Kronfield, Revised March 30, 2001
Geoprobe and associates offer the petroleum, engineering, and governmental sectors expertise in all four areas of oceanography: chemical, biological, physical, and geological.
From any aspect of operations: planning, execution, data processing, reporting - geoprobe is well equipped and experienced to work closely with your technical teams to deliver accurate data on time.
Geoprobe and Associates have been on the forefront of precision hydrography for decades. In 1986 we were the first private company ever contracted by NOAA, the U.S. surveying arm, to perform a complete hydrographic survey of the North Shore of Lake Superior, to update the national sailing charts in that area.
This project required strict adherence to international specifications of hydrography, in calibration, sounding, positioning, horizontal control, data reduction, and mapping. The project was successfully completed and closed.
Since that time, we have been called upon to perform numerous exacting hydrographic surveys around the world. The following is a brief list:
When you plan your next hydrographic program for pipelining, harbor clearance, construction planning, hazard location - whatever the reason, turn to the professionals - Geoprobe.
Seafloor mapping generally refers to the utilization of sidescan sonar to characterize the seabed. This can be done in "one-pass" tracklines, or with a more rigorous approach with a carefully planned survey grid and precision positioning. Using an image correcting sonar, like our EG&G model 260, Geoprobe produces highly accurate mosaics of the seabed, to scale, with geodetic gridding.
Seafloor mapping is very useful for a variety of applications. Cultural resource surveys, natural resource surveys, location and mapping of borrow areas for beach nourishment, determining the safest route for pipelines and cables, drilling site applications, shipwreck locations, and many others.
Geoprobe has provided seafloor mapping services for many clients around the world, notably the Smithsonian Institute, major oil companies, and governmental agencies.
Consider Geoprobe for your next mapping requirement.
Geoprobe and Associates have been involved in offshore positioning since the pioneering days in the early '70's. During these years, World War II aerial bombing radiopositioning equipment was adapted to the offshore positioning mission. This system was called Shoran. The equipment was bulky and required a great deal of care and calibration. Shore based transmitters required large amounts of power and the presence of operators. You won't find many navigators left with Shoran experience. Accuracy was on the order of several meters to tens of meters.
From those days, Geoprobe participated in the boom of navigational equipment, including Maxiran, ARGO, HighFix, Syledis, Miniranger, MicroFix, and so on. Each system had it desirable features and its drawbacks. Some were line of sight, but highly accurate. Others were over-the-horizon systems, but notorious for losing lane count due to atmospheric conditions.
Geoprobe participated in countless projects using various combinations of these tools throughout the world.
When satellite navigation appeared on the scene, using transit satellites, a new dimension was reached in positioning. But even this method had it's drawbacks. In 1976 Geoprobe positioned vessels offshore using bottom tracking doppler sonar for dead reckoning, with "good pass" satellite fixing for periodic updates to the dead reckoning track. A good operator was required to compute the orbital parameters of each bird, determining if the bird was malfunctioning, calculate what the elevation angle of the bird would be, and monitor the doppler fixing of the bird during each fix. The Geoprobe operator would then ascertain whether the fix was of good quality.
Today, with the present constellation of GPS satellites, we have achieved a positioning ability that is unmatched. Given an uninterrupted view of the constellation at any given time, our DGPS fixing provides our clients with submeter accuracy, anywhere in the world.
Our experience with GPS work and geodetic surveys encompasses a global theater of operations. China's Hunan Province in 1991. Greece in 1989. Virgin Islands. Argentina. Sicily. Cape Canaveral. Morro Bay, California.
Turn to Geoprobe for your positional needs. Our decades of experience provides the right chemistry for your success.
Geoprobe conducts and supervises multisensor high resolution geophysical surveys. These surveys can include all, or a combination of, a variety of sensors including but not limited to, sidescan sonar, precision echosounder, subbottom profilers, magnetometer, medium penetration profiler, boomer, and sparker. The survey vessel travels down a pre-programmed survey line, precisely positioned and steered electronically. Guidance systems on board drive a track plotter showing real-time location of the survey vessel. Helmsman display indicate steering orders to the helmsman for maintaining the proper track.
Event closures are issued by the onboard guidance computer on distance travelled, and are routed to all recording systems. All paper records are annotated electronically or manually. Hydrographic data is recorded digitally, as well as analog records. Sidescan data can be digitally recorded, as can profiler data.
Geoprobe has conducted many multisensor high resolution surveys throughout the world.
When you next mount an offshore operation for your crucial project, turn to the seasoned team of professionals - Geoprobe and Associates.
Our first QC mission was in 1977 for Texas Pacific Thailand. The seismic program was an important and pioneering 3-D survey of an area in the center of the Gulf of Siam. The contractor was the then GSI and the vessel was the Eugene McDermott. GSI was developing 3-D survey techniques, and this survey would be one of the first and biggest 3-D surveys of its time.
TP Thailand turned to Paul Kronfield to act as quality control representative. The project was successfully completed, and became a showpiece of 3-D capabilities. The processed data revealed ancient river channels and was presented at numerous Society of Exploration Geophysicist meetings over the years.
It was no accident that the project was so successful. GSI committed 100% of their resources for the successful development of 3-D survey techniques. Paul Kronfield, TP Thailand, and GSI teamed up to ensure the quality of this work would be unmatched. The rest is history.
Since that time, Geoprobe and Associates have been relied upon by many major exploration companies throughout the world for QC supervision of seismic and positioning. The following is but a brief list of clients who selected Geoprobe to look over their critical seismic programs:
For your next seismic program, consider the decades of success of Geoprobe. Turn to the professionals.
Geoprobe's EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) contracting began in Dallas in 1982. Geoprobe and mother company Oceanprobe had a display booth at the SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) convention. Keith Loucks of Conoco dropped by and asked if we knew how to find and clear out an underwater minefield. As Geoprobe principals had years of Navy experience in ASW and EOD fields, we were able to provide immediate answers. Conoco awarded this project to Geoprobe/Oceanprobe.
In 1969, a team of Israeli commandos crossed the Gulf of Suez from bases in Sinai, and attacked a Russian SAM-7 site. Incredibly, they dismantled the station and transported it back to Israel. Egypt's Russian allies were furious and a flurry of activity followed.
The bay adjacent to the missile site was mined using Russian AMD bottom laying acoustic/magnetic influence mines. Each mine had a 1,000 pound warhead of high explosive. The bay was Ras Abu Bakr Bay, near the oil service port of Ras Gharib. The Geoprobe team arrived early in 1983 to begin EOD operations.
Having lived for years in Alexandria on oceanographic projects, Paul Kronfield had established many contacts with Egyptians. It didn't take long for him to learn that 10 mines were placed on the seafloor in Ras Bakr Bay. He learned of the pattern and the positioning methods used. What wasn't known was if the Israelis had followed standard mine warfare doctrine - countermining.
For the next 9 months, the Geoprobe team surveyed and cleared over 200 square miles of water in and adjacent to Ras Bakr Bay. The original ten Russian mines were found and deactivated. The area was cleared of any countermining threat. Geoprobe had accomplished a difficult and dangerous mission and became the first private company ever turned to by a petroleum company for offshore minefield clearance.
In 1988 Geoprobe received a telex from the Iraqi Port Authority of Basrah, to come to Iraq for evaluation of an EOD mission. The Iraq-Iran war had recently ended. Paul Kronfield entered Baghdad on a flight from Istanbul. There he was transported by Iraqi military aircraft to Basrah, and was given a tour of the Shaat al Arab and the Faw Peninsula. Mr. Kronfield bid US$15 million for the clearance project, and traveled to Cairo from Baghdad to activate his Egyptian EOD teams.
Other EOD missions included consulting for tin mining operations in Malaysia which had encountered old WW-II Japanese bombs. An area offshore Java had been mined by the Japanese, and an exploring oil company needed EOD sweeps of the area before starting a seismic program.
Geoprobe is the only company specializing in offshore EOD with 14 years of experience in this unique and dangerous field. If you have an EOD problem onshore or offshore, Geoprobe can provide your company a solution.
Paul Kronfield was a principal participant in the first foreign-operated exploration effort onshore mainland China. As deputy general manager and procurement director of an ambitious exploration program in China's Hunan Province, he gained enormous experience in China operations.
Since that project, he has been involved in numerous business activities throughout China, including exploration, manufacturing, aviation, trading, engineering construction, and energy. Over the years he has established and maintained connections with high level Chinese officials in central and provincial government.
Geoprobe now consults to companies contemplating activities in China. With our expertise, your firm can maintain and increase your face, be effective and knowledgeable in doing business in China, and avoid the pitfalls and hazards awaiting the unprepared.
Let Geoprobe guide you around the hazards toward a profitable China enterprise.
Although Chinese businessmen and government officials are getting used to Western executives exhibiting total ignorance in Chinese traditions and protocol (and thus losing any face they may have ever had or ever will have), you can gain a lot of face and a great deal of respect in China by demonstrating knowledge of time-honored Chinese traditions.
I know of no book delineating all of the nuances of protocol. But doing some reading may help you to prevent most of the gaffes common with Westerners.
Geoprobe specializes in working with a firm or corporate executive in preparation for important meetings, banquets, or encounters. We can concentrate on one function, or be retained for consultations over a specified time period. We are available to accompany your executives to China for ongoing consultation and assistance during critical meetings and social functions.
Your expertise and knowledge will likely make the difference between a successful engagement or a return to your home office down that well-worn empty-handed path.
Let Geoprobe guide you through the labrynth of Chinese protocol, to a profitable conclusion of your opening of the China markets.
You are the chief executive of a rapidly growing manufacturing concern in the U.S. Your strategic plan has a key move into Asia, preferably China to establish a manufacturing base to supply not only your well-established American markets, but to extend to the large and hungry Asian market.
You have had a team of your sharpest negotiators in Beijing over recent months, working out an agreement to set up a manufacturing plant nearby. A memorandum of understanding has been inked. While negotiations proceed, the Chinese have requested that you host a team from their side to the U.S. to look over your headquarters and ascertain, first hand, your ability to keep your end of the agreement. You have welcomed this development, and selected some of your best personnel to look after the visitor's needs.
The visitors arrive from Beijing and are met and transported to their hotel. They are tired, but positive and friendly. Meetings begin in earnest on the following day. You are pleased to note a warmth and receptiveness on the part of your guests.
Over the next week, however, you feel a coolness developing in your interactions with the Chinese. You constantly query them as to their accommodations and entertainment. The answers are always polite and positive. The coolness puzzles you, but you write it off to the effects of jet lag.
As the ten-day visit draws nearer to a close, you are shocked when the leader of the contingent announces in your office that they want to cut the visit short, and return immediately to Beijing. The Chinese leader doesn't seem cold - afterall, there are hints of a polite smile - but there is a chill as he turns on his heel to return to his hotel to pack.
After they have returned to Beijing, it isn't long before a polite announcement is issued to your team that events have made is untenable to continue negotiations. The door is closed firmly in your face. Your teams return to the U.S. along the well-worn path made by other puzzled empty-handed Western suitors.
You absolutely have no clue as to what could have gone wrong. You query your staff and those in charge of hospitality and entertaining - after all, they have successfully entertained Japanese executives in the past. They seem to have done all the right things - invitations to golf, Mexican restaurants, bottles of whiskey in each room, lavish steak dinners. You are left with no answers - only a massive and mounting total of expenses for the Chinese venture.
Chinese are unlike any visitor you have ever hosted. They cannot be compared with any other nationality. They will never tell you if they are dissatisfied or insulted, as they would be bad manners and would cause them to lose face.
From a culture dating back over 4000 years, the visiting Chinese must be handled very carefully. From the moment they are greeted at the airport, you need an entity with a deep knowledge and appreciation of this cultural difference. Geoprobe personnel have this knowledge of culture and protocol. We have successfully looked after Chinese visitors in the U.S. for U.S. Corporations, and our inclusion can spell the difference between a signed contract in Beijing or a huge sum to be expensed off. To assure your success, contact Geoprobe when you next plan to host Chinese visitors in the West.
Geoprobe offers translating services, both written and in the Mandarin and Cantonese dialects. We are also able to provide assistance in other Chinese dialects, such as Hunan, Hakka, and Shanxi.
Centrally located in Houston, we are able to quickly and efficiently respond to your needs in almost any circumstance.
Geoprobe is uniquely qualified to assist you in international trading ventures. Our principals have decades of experience and long-established and maintained contacts in the world's trading centers. Be it Athens, Cairo, the U.A.E., or in Asia's Shanghai, Tianjin, Hongkong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, or Manila - we can get certain results for you.
We have successfully engaged in such diverse trade as Boeing aircraft parts, tractor parts, non-ferrous metals, and chemicals. Our contacts have assisted U.S. engineering firms in the communications, energy, petroleum, chemical, and construction areas.
Consider retaining Geoprobe to assist your trading efforts in problem areas. We get results.
Having traveled extensively on business throughout the world, particularly in third world countries and disturbed areas, we are able to provide your travel staff with up to date advice on travel. Geoprobe has in the past conducted site surveys in remote interior of China, Malaysia, and Indonesia for corporate clients.
We can assist in medical surveys, evacuation advice, and contingency planning for emergencies.
Our staff can also provide escort and protection services for your executives traveling in unfamiliar and potentially dangerous areas.
Contact Geoprobe to help safeguard you most precious assets - your personnel.
After years in China, Geoprobe has located many sources for antique furniture and pieces for export to the West. We specialize in Ming and later period pieces. We can seek out particular pieces, or can ship containers of period pieces - all in excellent condition.
We have on staff a highly skilled Chinese artist who specializes in portraits and landscapes in the oil/canvas medium, or traditional Chinese painting. (See Weihong's studio for more information.)
Geoprobe offers consulting services in design and authoring of world wide web sites and homepages for individuals and companies. Our rates our highly competitive and our product is unique and attractive. We can work with your staff to produce a website which will be a showcase of your products or services, and allow interactivity with your clients.